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Social Security: The Elephant in the Room

Social Security: The Elephant in the Room

For most Americans, Social Security has represented nothing more than some unavoidable payroll deduction with the positively cryptic initials of “FICA” and “OASDI” (Federal Insurance Contributions Act and Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance). It hinted at a...

Helpful Retirement Strategies for Women

Helpful Retirement Strategies for Women

Preparing for retirement can look a little different for women than it does for men. Although stereotypes are changing, women are still more likely to serve as caretakers than men are, meaning they accumulate less income and benefits due to their time absent from the...

Separating the Signal From the Noise

Separating the Signal From the Noise

What kind of role can a financial professional play for an investor? The answer: an important one. While the value of such a relationship is hard to quantify, the intangible benefits may be long-lasting. There are certain investors who turn to a financial professional...